10 Awesome Doc Who Geekery Crafts

Get ready for the adjacent flavor of Doctor Who alongside these 10 amazing too unproblematic geeky crafts!  Everything you lot postulate to host a viewing party, brand snacks too fun favors!  All I've heard too then far is the novel demo starts inwards the Autumn of this year--so let's start the party.  I don't know what I mean value of the novel doctor...thoughts anyone?  I volition forever live disappointed that the physician is no longer David Tennant.  Here's 10 geekery inspired crafts too DIY's:

Doctor Who Party

Tardis Cookie Cutter

Galaxy Dress

 Dalek Nightlight

Tardis inwards Bottle Necklace

Doctor Who Shoes!

Sonic Screwdriver Pens

Wow Layered Vinyl Bag

Tardis Rubber Stamp

Tri-Tardis Pillow

Which is your favorite?
What's your favorite Doctor Who Episode?  Do you lot dearest Blink!?  I mean value it's definitely on my exceed 5.

 Get ready for the adjacent flavor of Doctor Who alongside these  10 Awesome Doctor Who Geekery Crafts  Get ready for the adjacent flavor of Doctor Who alongside these  10 Awesome Doctor Who Geekery Crafts  Get ready for the adjacent flavor of Doctor Who alongside these  10 Awesome Doctor Who Geekery Crafts  Get ready for the adjacent flavor of Doctor Who alongside these  10 Awesome Doctor Who Geekery Crafts  Get ready for the adjacent flavor of Doctor Who alongside these  10 Awesome Doctor Who Geekery Crafts  Get ready for the adjacent flavor of Doctor Who alongside these  10 Awesome Doctor Who Geekery Crafts
 Get ready for the adjacent flavor of Doctor Who alongside these  10 Awesome Doctor Who Geekery Crafts
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