Unicorn Shirt Cricut Explore Air Ii Diy
I used my Cricut Explore Air™ two machine for this post.
Unicorn Shirt Cricut Explore Air two DIYMake a shiny holographic unicorn shirt inward mere minutes!
You volition need:
Holographic Iron on Vinyl
Cricut Explore Air™ two machine
Use the Cricut Explore Air™ two machine to cutting the holographic atomic issue 26 on vinyl.
Place the atomic issue 26 on vinyl plastic side facing the cutting mat. Cut amongst the mirror-image push clicked.
Use this silhouette image, correct click as well as salvage image. Personal role only.
Weed off the excess vinyl as well as house plastic side upwards on the shirt. Iron gently on medium oestrus for a distich minutes.
Let the vinyl cool as well as take away the plastic. Enjoy your shimmery unicorn shirt!
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