Diy Dark Drinking Glass Cakestand!

 DIY Black Glass Cakestand!
 I dear cakestands...and I dear that I in conclusion made a dark one!
This would endure as well as thus fun for Valentine's Day, Halloween, Birthday Parties or New Years!
 I constitute a drinking glass plate as well as a drinking glass candlestick at the thrift store.
They were both like designing as well as black.
 I used E6000 Glue to gum the candlestick to the view of the bottom of the plate.
 Let it dry out overnight.
Ta da!
 Looks bully alongside these decadent cupcakes!

and I dear that I in conclusion made a dark ane DIY Black Glass Cakestand! and I dear that I in conclusion made a dark ane DIY Black Glass Cakestand! and I dear that I in conclusion made a dark ane DIY Black Glass Cakestand! and I dear that I in conclusion made a dark ane DIY Black Glass Cakestand! and I dear that I in conclusion made a dark ane DIY Black Glass Cakestand! and I dear that I in conclusion made a dark ane DIY Black Glass Cakestand!
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