28 Harry Potter Crafts, Political Party Ideas As Well As Games!
Here's a whole bunch of Harry Potter Geekery!
Every idea, game, craft, costume, invites or process you'll ask for your ain Harry Potter Party!
Party Invitations
Golden Snitch
Sorting Hat
Potions together with poisons!
Chocolate Frogs
Ron Weasley together with Scabbers costume!
Hogwarts House Crest Rubber Stamp!
Luna's Radish Earrings!
Harry Potter Costume!
Make your ain Gryffindor Tie!
Butter Beer
Dolores Umbridge Dart Board!
Hermoine Granger Costume!
Wizard Wands!
Moaning Myrtle Costume!
Sibil Trelawney Cosplay
Gryffindor Robes
Draco Malfoy
Bellatrix LeStrange Costume
Photo Booth
Here's more Harry Potter ideas!
Wand Pen | Gryffindor | Owl Decoy |
Lego Hairclip | Crochet Hooks | Harry Potter Wands | Geek Shirt |