Shrinky Dinks! #Tbt

We beloved Shrink Plastic!
So fun too and then much you lot tin sack create amongst it!
In many cases, you lot can't fifty-fifty tell it's shrinky looks similar Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation cutting acrylic!

United States Necklace!
 Shrinky Dinks! #tbt

Deer Head Filigree Necklace
 Shrinky Dinks! #tbt

Doctor Who Floating Locket Charms!
 Shrinky Dinks! #tbt

State Love Necklace!
 Shrinky Dinks! #tbt

Dalek Nightlight!
 Shrinky Dinks! #tbt

 Shrinky Dinks! #tbt
This post published on first 

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