Wire Wrapped Lunar Pendants!

 Wire Wrapped Lunar Pendants!
 I telephone band them Lunar because they await similar a moon...with
 a crescent shape...and hence I used a star bead.

You volition require three feet of wire together with most 4 or v large beads.
 Just brand a crude oil loop alongside most ii feet of the wire.
Then twist together with twine the wire only about the loops most 4 times.
 Wrap the wire upwards to the contrary side together with twist together with twine to brand a pocket-size loop for hanging.
 Wrap only about the pocket-size loop together with and hence allow the remaining wire dangle inwards front.
 Add a few beads of choice!
 Right onto the wire.
Making certain they tally inwards the within of the loops.
 Twist together with twine the remaining wire correct only about the loops.
Add a chain together with you lot are arrive at to wear!
Add a chain for maximum accessorization!
Just ordered a gilt serpent chain that should last hither whatever twenty-four lx minutes menstruum now...

I telephone band them Lunar because they await similar a Moon Wire Wrapped Lunar Pendants!  I telephone band them Lunar because they await similar a Moon Wire Wrapped Lunar Pendants! I telephone band them Lunar because they await similar a Moon Wire Wrapped Lunar Pendants!I telephone band them Lunar because they await similar a Moon Wire Wrapped Lunar Pendants!I telephone band them Lunar because they await similar a Moon Wire Wrapped Lunar Pendants!
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