Doctor Who Tardis Garden Planter!
Make a TARDIS for your trivial garden--your plants volition beloved it!
"You know the audio the TARDIS makes? That wheezing, groaning? That audio brings promise wherever it goes. To anyone who hears it, Doctor. Anyone. However lost. Even you."
-- the Bad Wolf interface
Just add together a TARDIS!
(that agency it's non enterprise clay)
I rolled out the clay super sparse equally I could. 1/8" probably.
Until it makes a triangular top.
Most clay is to survive baked xv minutes at 275*F for every 1/4" thick.
Since that wooden block is inside, there's non much thickness...
only on top.
So I baked it for close xx minutes.
Next to my rock towers!
So I hurried to larn unopen to flowers! Pansies!
Pansies e'er remind me of Alice inwards Wonderland...

Sort of creepy, but cute.

Added the stone towers
as well as set the TARDIS inwards the pot on the forepart porch!
I beloved it when visitors recognize the Doctor Who stuff...
that's when I know we'll survive actually expert friends!
You could also make:
Tardis inwards a Bottle