17 My Niggling Pony Activities! Geek Calendar Week Finale!

Thanks for joining me for my 
My Little Pony Geek Week!

Hope yous enjoyed only about of the projects that are Ponylicious!  :)
 Here's 17 GREAT Pony activities!

DIY Custom Ponies!

MLP Budget Party!

MLP Inspired Hats!
 Daring Do

My Little Pony Magnets as well as Badges!

Pinkie Pie Gala Dress Cosplay

My Little Pony Christmas Tree!
Perfect activity for children during summertime break!

Blind Bag Pony Charm Necklaces

Wonderbolts T-shirt!
Get the boys involved too!  Brony t-shirts!

Apple Bloom Bow Headband
Great for clay, chocolate, plaster, resin, ice, fondant!  :)

Pinkie Pie Shirt as well as gratuitous silhouette stencil

Perler Bead Pony Art 1
8-bit mode ponies!  Make wall fine art as well as non coasters!  :)

Blind Bag Pony Display

Apple Bloom Shirt
Just using Freezer Paper as well as paint!

My Little Pony Party...and Pin the Cutie Mark on the Pony!
Each kid picks their favorite cutie score and
 whomever is the closest to the hind quarters wins!

Linking upwards to THESE parties this week!

Hope yous enjoyed only about of the projects that are Ponylicious 17 My Little Pony Activities! Geek Week Finale!

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