Doctor Who Inspired Political Party Clothes! If y'all are having a proper Doctor Who party, everyone volition desire to wearing clothing the part! I asked each of my kids what they wanted... THESE parties this week! Related Posts Tardis Bluish Physician Who T-Shirts! The New Face of Doctor Who Peter Capaldi! What produce you lot think? Remember him inwards Season ivStar Belly Sneetches T-Shirt! The Star Belly Sneetches had bellies amongst stars... The apparently bellied Sneetches had none upon thars. Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver T-Shirts! In September, every bit purpose of my five yr old's Doctor Who Birthday Party... I posted these Sonic ScrewdriCaptain America 'The Wintertime Soldier' Necklaces! So Captain America comes out today! I'm guessing in that place volition live lots of activity based on tStar Wars Birthday Party! And wore his "D2" shirt from here. It was a terrific weekend. I was happy to locomote undecorate thDoctor Who Christmas Stockings I knew alongside the Doctor Who Christmas Tree...we needed some Doctor Who inspired Christmas Stockings! The Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Author hana