Fancy Lace Peter Pan Collars!
Fancy Lace Peter Pan Collars!
"lace appliques" tab...and they are $3 each!
I was going to crochet i myself, but it's non worth
my fourth dimension when these ones are in addition to so pretty!
I started alongside the cream cotton fiber lace set...$2.49
I hot glued i side together correct on the tip.
With the other side, I hot glued a lilliputian loop of elastic in addition to a push on the other side.
It took a mere five minutes...hence the few pictures!

The loop fits around the push perfectly in addition to holds it inwards place.
Then yous but produce upwardly one's heed if yous desire the push on the forepart or the back!
This i was quite a chip longer, but notwithstanding looks darling in addition to would work
with a cardigan or a scoop cervix shirt!
This i was the smallest...and notwithstanding but $2.50!
I but hot glued on some ribbon and
tied them around the neck. I secured the forepart alongside a big brooch!
Easy in addition to classy!
I was going to crochet i myself, but it's non worth
my fourth dimension when these ones are in addition to so pretty!
I started alongside the cream cotton fiber lace set...$2.49
I hot glued i side together correct on the tip.
With the other side, I hot glued a lilliputian loop of elastic in addition to a push on the other side.
It took a mere five minutes...hence the few pictures!

The loop fits around the push perfectly in addition to holds it inwards place.
Then yous but produce upwardly one's heed if yous desire the push on the forepart or the back!
This i was quite a chip longer, but notwithstanding looks darling in addition to would work
with a cardigan or a scoop cervix shirt!
This i was the smallest...and notwithstanding but $2.50!
I but hot glued on some ribbon and
tied them around the neck. I secured the forepart alongside a big brooch!
Easy in addition to classy!
Linking upwardly to THESE parties this week!