Awesome Windstorm Treasure

So dorsum inwards Dec at that topographic point was a major windstorm here.
Like every pinetree inwards the neighborhood was toasted.
Here's ours...thankfully the jeep was fine!
and a stroll through the neighborhood...
Well the windstorm brought downwardly many erstwhile forest fences too...
and that is where this storey begins.

As I was out on a babe jog final week
(1 mile amongst all three of my kids...even the three twelvemonth erstwhile trucking
along...not the best operate ever...)
There was a guy fierce out his erstwhile fallen fence.
I asked if I could come upward dorsum in addition to scavenge some.
He said yes.  So I did.
 I took 12 pieces.
Now I am thinking I should've taken more.
 I pounded out nails in addition to screws in addition to simply lead keep the
awesomely weathered boards waiting to become 
their total potential.  Blissful.

So dorsum inwards Dec at that topographic point was a major windstorm hither Awesome windstorm treasure

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