Chain Together With Vintage Bead Earrings!

 I made these a piece back...
but I nevertheless dearest them!
I took unopen to chain, unopen to random pieces I had in addition to some 
vintage beads in addition to made three pairs of earrings for my sister!  :)
chain, beads, optic pins, 
earring hooks, 
2 needle olfactory organ pliers, 
and whatsoever strange findings y'all mightiness have!
(rhinestone hoops, three loop splity thing)
 Chain in addition to Vintage Bead Earrings!

Gingerbread Houses!

 We got together alongside or together with therefore friends and 
made gingerbread houses!
It was sooo much fun!
This is an activity that small-scale kids to 
adults volition simply LOVE!
Seriously, candy therapy!

Start alongside a structure.
We used Royal the glue.
The kids made uncomplicated houses.
I cheated together with made a bigger house.
PS...go to your grocery butcher together with inquire for some 
styrofoam meat trays...I got them free 
and they were perfect for this!
 Add Candy.  Eat some.
 I wished nosotros had or together with therefore Necco's, but couldn't
uncovering them at whatever closed stores.
So, I opted for a scalloped roof.
the kids used smarties...
 I powerfulness hold out obsessed alongside the pump shaped candy canes.
I did it on both ends of my house.  
I am kind of a symmetrical snob.
 Oh yah, Rock candy is awesome too!
Spice drops are a must.
Happy Holidays!

go to your grocery butcher together with inquire for or together with therefore Gingerbread Houses!

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town!

Shhhh!---don't say my kids! 
{and kids, don't read this...} But...
We convey this amazing vecino that looks similar Santa!
In 2004 nosotros asked if nosotros could brand him a Santa suit
and if he would come upwards to our yearly parties!
He was to a greater extent than than happy!
We made a Santa together with Mrs. Claus
{in illustration his married adult woman wanted to clothes upwards too}
Here nosotros are...costumes done.
{my wife is also skinny to live on santa!}
 So every twelvemonth since 2004, Santa has come upwards to our parties!
This is the solely Santa my kids know.

2008 painting MIA...
We had to nigh downwardly our work organization Jan 2009...
so that year, Santa came correct to our house!

For the twelvemonth 2010 together with this year...Santa 
showed upwards at our ward Christmas Party!

It's slowly to believe inwards Santa when you've
seen the same i your entire life!
Thanks Santa!
We convey this amazing vecino that looks similar Santa Santa Claus is coming to town!

Pillar Table!

My immature lady told me she wanted a pillar.

Well I institute this Pillar tabular array at the DI for $5.
The simulated marbled run past times was in addition to thence hideous, I instantly
removed it...thinking I would 
make a run past times out of wood.
(haven't yet)
I painted in addition to glazed the pillar. 
Then only needing to choke it out of my garage...
and afterward selling my daughters nightstand
for to a greater extent than or less sugariness cash, 
I sprayed the marbled run past times yellow. 
(didn't glaze or seal it)
I realize it's non great.
But greatness volition await until summertime...

 At to the lowest degree the base of operations is awesome.

Well I institute this Pillar tabular array at the DI for  Pillar Table!